3 minute read


This article digs deeper into how you can use curl to call REST API’s, which you would typically do from within a bash script. If you’re looking for a way to do the same from within PowerShell might be better off using eitherInvoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod.

➰ curl?

As you might already know, curl is a command-line tool which is used to transfer data. Due to its lightweight nature, it’s actually broadly used in places you wouldn’t necessarily suspect:

curl is also used in cars, television sets, routers, printers, audio equipment, mobile phones, tablets, settop boxes, media players and is the Internet transfer engine for thousands of software applications in over ten billion installations. curl is used daily by virtually every Internet-using human on the globe.

A very basic curl command could be as simple as:

curl https://curl.se

The above command “connects” (performs a GET) to curl’s very own website and returns the entire HTTP response, which will be a HTML page.

Making API calls using curl is not that different, but obviously requires a few more parameters.

☎️ Calling a REST API using curl

The basic sample below uses GitHub’s REST API to fetch information from a GitHub account.

curl \
     -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \

The only additional parameter which where specifying here is the -H (or --header) flag. Depending on the endpoint you’re sending requests to, specific headers will have to be included in your request. In the example above we’re adding the accept key with a value of application/vnd.github.v3+json. Multiple headers can be passed by simply specifying said parameter multiple times:

curl \
     -H "header_1: value_1" \
     -H "header_2: value_2" \
     -H "header_n: value_n" \

HTTP verbs

The -X (or --request) option tells curl which HTTP verb to use. You may have noticed this parameter is nowhere to be found in the initial sample. The request method defaults to GET, so leaving it out means curl will send a request using the default GET HTTP verb. Specify -X followed by POST, PUT, DELETE if you’re manipulating data instead of simply fetching something:

curl \
     -X POST \


The -v (or --verbose) flag shows us what’s happening under the hood. Useful for debugging purposes, or making sure you don’t lose your sanity upon slipping a typo into your endpoint URL 🙊 like in the example below.

* Could not resolve host: api.githubxyz.com
* Closing connection 0
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: api.githubxyz.com


Most API’s will require some form of authentication. curl handles authentication by using the -u (or --user) option. You could specify the username and password:

curl \
     -u <username>:<password> \

However, instead of using a password, most modern API’s will push you towards the use of a personal access token (PAT) or an access token which you typically request from an authentication provider.

curl \
     -u <username>:<token> \

A couple of examples which make use of such tokens are:

Request body

Some API endpoints might require a body, usually in JSON format. That is where the -d (or --data) option comes in. The below example expects us to:

  • ✅ pass data in JSON format 👉 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  • ✅ manipulate data instead of fetching data 👉 -X POST
  • ✅ pass a request body containing a value for 2 attributes: color and animal
curl \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"color":"pink","animal":"panther"}' \

Instead of passing the request body in your actual curl command, you could also store data in a separate JSON file:


…and in turn point to said file:

curl \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST \
     -d data.json \

Storing output

Instead of outputting the response to your shell, you can easily save it to a file by using the -o or --output option. The below example would output the return message of a request to a 📑 output.json file.

curl \
     -o output.json \

I hope the above examples gave you a basic idea on how to utilize curl in order to make REST calls. The full 📚 man page of curl can be found over at curl.se.

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